Pedro Aphalo
2014-08-16 15:05:58 UTC
Dear Karl, Alex, et al.

I just upgraded to Winedt 9, and everything I was earlier doing with
Winedt 8 seems to be working very nicely, and it does really look very

I am using MikTeX 2.9 on Windows 7 x64.

I decided to give the new R-Sweave a try. It is again very nice and
seems to work o.k. with single files. I am writing a whole book using
knitr and the book is split into several .Rnw files which are "included"
using knitr chunks. The output of this draft is around 250 pages
including many figures. I have been using until now RStudio, which
although very good for R, does not have enough flexibility on the LaTeX
side of things. So, I would rather use Winedt for this project... but a
file that compiles with an apparently unimportant warning in RStudio
gives errors in Winedt... I can try to debug this problem by myself as
it may be totally unrelated to Winedt, but I would like to know if there
are any known limitations on using a multiple file set up with R-Sweave.
In addition it would be also very nice to be able to have the child .Rnw
files visible in the tree panel, and probably the code chunks on a
different background colour on the Winedt screen so that are easier to find.

Best wishes,


-- -
Pedro J. Aphalo
University Lecturer, Principal Investigator
(Office 6717, Biocenter 3, Viikinkaari 1)

Department of Biosciences
Plant Biology
P.O. Box 65
00014 University of Helsinki

e-mail: ***@helsinki.fi <mailto:***@helsinki.fi>
Tel. (mobile) +358 50 4150623
Tel. (office) +358 2941 57897
Fax (office) +358 2941 57788

*Web sites and blogs*
Web site (own teaching): http://www.helsinki.fi/people/pedro.aphalo/
Web site (research group): http://www.helsinki.fi/bioscience/senpep/
Blog (for plant biology students):
Web site (Using R in photobiology): http://r4photobiology.wordpress.com/
PSB <http://www.plantbehavior.org/> (member), SEB
<http://www.sebiology.org/> (member), BES
<http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/> (member), SPPS
<http://www.spps.fi/> (member), SMS
<http://www.metsatieteellinenseura.fi/english> (member), TUG
<http://tug.org/> (member), FOAS <http://www.foastat.org/> (member).
Karl Koeller
2014-08-16 15:37:34 UTC
Post by Pedro Aphalo
Dear Karl, Alex, et al.
I just upgraded to Winedt 9, and everything I was earlier doing with
Winedt 8 seems to be working very nicely, and it does really look very
I am using MikTeX 2.9 on Windows 7 x64.
I decided to give the new R-Sweave a try. It is again very nice and
seems to work o.k. with single files. I am writing a whole book using
knitr and the book is split into several .Rnw files which are
"included" using knitr chunks. The output of this draft is around 250
pages including many figures. I have been using until now RStudio,
which although very good for R, does not have enough flexibility on
the LaTeX side of things. So, I would rather use Winedt for this
project... but a file that compiles with an apparently unimportant
warning in RStudio gives errors in Winedt... I can try to debug this
problem by myself as it may be totally unrelated to Winedt, but I
would like to know if there are any known limitations on using a
multiple file set up with R-Sweave. In addition it would be also very
nice to be able to have the child .Rnw files visible in the tree
panel, and probably the code chunks on a different background colour
on the Winedt screen so that are easier to find.

for this kind of things, contact the maintainer of R-Sweave:

Gilbert Ritschard <***@unige.ch>

Best regards,

Pedro Aphalo
2014-08-17 07:28:56 UTC
Dear Karl et al.,

Sorry! The problem was in my own .Rnw file. But this was an interesting
lesson: an undefined color in my source file was apparently defined when
the same file was LaTeXed from within the RStudio editor window using
the same installation of MikTeX and R... but both from the Windows
console and from within Winedt it caused an error.

Best wishes,

Post by Karl Koeller
Post by Pedro Aphalo
Dear Karl, Alex, et al.
I just upgraded to Winedt 9, and everything I was earlier doing with
Winedt 8 seems to be working very nicely, and it does really look
very modern!
I am using MikTeX 2.9 on Windows 7 x64.
I decided to give the new R-Sweave a try. It is again very nice and
seems to work o.k. with single files. I am writing a whole book using
knitr and the book is split into several .Rnw files which are
"included" using knitr chunks. The output of this draft is around 250
pages including many figures. I have been using until now RStudio,
which although very good for R, does not have enough flexibility on
the LaTeX side of things. So, I would rather use Winedt for this
project... but a file that compiles with an apparently unimportant
warning in RStudio gives errors in Winedt... I can try to debug this
problem by myself as it may be totally unrelated to Winedt, but I
would like to know if there are any known limitations on using a
multiple file set up with R-Sweave. In addition it would be also very
nice to be able to have the child .Rnw files visible in the tree
panel, and probably the code chunks on a different background colour
on the Winedt screen so that are easier to find.
Best regards,
Pedro J. Aphalo
University Lecturer, Principal Investigator
(Office 6717, Biocenter 3, Viikinkaari 1)

Department of Biosciences
Plant Biology
P.O. Box 65
00014 University of Helsinki

e-mail: ***@helsinki.fi <mailto:***@helsinki.fi>
Tel. (mobile) +358 50 4150623
Tel. (office) +358 2941 57897
Fax (office) +358 2941 57788

*Web sites and blogs*
Web site (own teaching): http://www.helsinki.fi/people/pedro.aphalo/
Web site (research group): http://www.helsinki.fi/bioscience/senpep/
Blog (for plant biology students):
Web site (Using R in photobiology): http://r4photobiology.wordpress.com/
PSB <http://www.plantbehavior.org/> (member), SEB
<http://www.sebiology.org/> (member), BES
<http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/> (member), SPPS
<http://www.spps.fi/> (member), SMS
<http://www.metsatieteellinenseura.fi/english> (member), TUG
<http://tug.org/> (member), FOAS <http://www.foastat.org/> (member).
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