WinEdt 9 - False Virus Alarm
WinEdt Team
2014-08-18 20:14:42 UTC
Dear users,

This is to inform you that Avira Virus scan reports a false alarm
about Delphi.Gen in WinEdt 9. A few users were asking about it and
the Avira developer team has been informed about the situation and
will hopefully fix this false virus alert soon...

Four resource dll files in Bitmaps\Resources apparently raise a red
just installed your new great looking winedt 9.0.
several seconds later there was a virus found from avira.
Please see attachment.
Hopefully this is a false positive??
Completely false alarm. These dll files are 32-bit resource libraries
containing nothing but compiled png images used by WinEdt 9.
I wrote the source code that generates them: no chance of
them being infected as they are loaded only as resources
without containing or executing any code... That's how the
same libraries can be used in 32-bit and 64-bit version
(if they executed any code this would not be possible).
Licensing Agreement with Glyfz.com does not allow WinEdt to include
these graphic resources directly as png images. That's why I had to
make dlls (and they are also faster and more compact for loading).
That's why this version is smaller than 8.2.
Funny thing that 16x16 image library was not declared suspicious but the
other three (24, 32 and 48) were.
Probably 16x16 is the one that is actually loaded on your system.
Good enough explanation?
Best regards,

Karl Koeller
2014-08-20 18:02:35 UTC
Post by WinEdt Team
Dear users,
This is to inform you that Avira Virus scan reports a false alarm
about Delphi.Gen in WinEdt 9. A few users were asking about it and
the Avira developer team has been informed about the situation and
will hopefully fix this false virus alert soon...
Four resource dll files in Bitmaps\Resources apparently raise a red
With today's updates, Avira doesn't report them as viruses anymore.

