Karl Koeller
2014-06-13 21:30:49 UTC
Dear WinEdt-ers,
WinEdt 8.2 has been officially released today.
If you are using one of the following contributions from winedt.org,
you can quietly proceed with the Upgrade functionality:
- Acronym
- arara
- Asymptote
- ConTeXt standalone
- DocZoom
- Figures&Tables
- LaTeX3
- LaTeXify
- MetaPreview
- Nomenclature
- VerbatimPlus
- bibMacros
- FasTeX
- MathGreek
- R-Sweave
- Stata-support
After you perform the Upgrade process, the following package has to
be installed over the old one, due to radical changes in DocTabs.ini:
- DocZoom
The new version for WinEdt 8.2 is available already at winedt.org.
I would suggest that you install the new version over the old one also
for the following packages:
- arara
- Asymptote
- Figures&Tables
- LaTeX3
- LaTeXify
- MetaPreview
- Nomenclature
- VerbatimPlus
- R-Sweave
- Stata-support
If you instead have the following package installed, it must be uninstalled
before installing WinEdt 8.2 and you will have then to install the new
version in WinEdt 8.2:
- YandY TeX
Moreover, note that many configuration files have been radically modified
in WinEdt 8.2, so the Upgrade process may fail for someone.
If you are one of them and you are not able to solve the issue by yourself,
feel free to ask for help.
Best regards to all and enjoy WinEdt 8.2.
WinEdt 8.2 has been officially released today.
If you are using one of the following contributions from winedt.org,
you can quietly proceed with the Upgrade functionality:
- Acronym
- arara
- Asymptote
- ConTeXt standalone
- DocZoom
- Figures&Tables
- LaTeX3
- LaTeXify
- MetaPreview
- Nomenclature
- VerbatimPlus
- bibMacros
- FasTeX
- MathGreek
- R-Sweave
- Stata-support
After you perform the Upgrade process, the following package has to
be installed over the old one, due to radical changes in DocTabs.ini:
- DocZoom
The new version for WinEdt 8.2 is available already at winedt.org.
I would suggest that you install the new version over the old one also
for the following packages:
- arara
- Asymptote
- Figures&Tables
- LaTeX3
- LaTeXify
- MetaPreview
- Nomenclature
- VerbatimPlus
- R-Sweave
- Stata-support
If you instead have the following package installed, it must be uninstalled
before installing WinEdt 8.2 and you will have then to install the new
version in WinEdt 8.2:
- YandY TeX
Moreover, note that many configuration files have been radically modified
in WinEdt 8.2, so the Upgrade process may fail for someone.
If you are one of them and you are not able to solve the issue by yourself,
feel free to ask for help.
Best regards to all and enjoy WinEdt 8.2.