pdf xchange viewer evokes error message
Stefan Schulz
2014-04-09 07:53:49 UTC
I installed Winedt 5.5 on a new windows 7 system.
I do not use Adobe acrobat as pdf viewer, but pdf-Xchange
viewer. If I pdftex a document, it is smoothly shown in the viewer,
but in winedt acrobat close.edt is opened with an error message:

Cannot Open DDE Link to:
C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview.exe"
Service: acroview
Topic control
DDEOpen=C7%$=C7=B4AcroRead") `acroview",control");

WinEdt Team
2014-04-10 15:58:04 UTC
Post by Stefan Schulz
I installed Winedt 5.5 on a new windows 7 system.
I do not use Adobe acrobat as pdf viewer, but pdf-Xchange
viewer. If I pdftex a document, it is smoothly shown in the viewer,
C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview.exe"
Service: acroview
Topic control
DDEOpen=C7%$=C7=B4AcroRead") `acroview",control");
Two reasons:

1. For whatever reasons you are using old version of WinEdt that in
its default settings does not recognise PDFXChange and the way it
has to be instructed to release a locked file or perform forward
search. New versions of WinEdt have this (PDFXChange-particular)
functionality built into default settings.

2. PDFXchange (just like Adobe) locks the pdf document that it is
previewing and it has to be instructed to release it before it can
be recompiled (from WinEdt or form outside WinEdt). SumatraPDF is a
better (locking problem-free) choice for working previewer with
internal support for forward and inverse search. But that's another

Solution: You will have to manually modify your (old) pdf macros to
deal with this previewer. Consult the PDFXChange documentation for
details to learn how it works.

Instead of Adobe DDE you'll have to execute (in one line):

Run('"C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Viewer\PDFXCview.exe"=
/close:discard "%P\%N.pdf"');

This (shorter version) will also (probably) work in your version:

Run('%$("AcroRead"); /close:discard "%P\%N.pdf"');

Forward search with PDFXChange will not work in WinEdt 5.5... With
quite some work it could be configured but then again you are using
old WinEdt that predates synctex functionality as used these days.
The choice is yours but you may be on your own when dealing with
such issues in your old version...

I no longer have WinEdt 5.5 installed and cannot guide you with
details. A lot has changed over the last 7 years since that version
was released...

Best regards,

