ANN: WinEdt 8 beta is now available...
WinEdt Team
2013-04-22 18:13:51 UTC
Hello all!

WinEdt 8 with newly added code folding functionality is almost
ready and it will be officially released within a month. Help has
been updated accordingly. Due to the internal code optimization the
overall performance of WinEdt has been improved (especially
noticeable in large documents with sophisticated highlighting
schemes like TeX or HTML).

This is an opportunity for those of you who care for "code
folding" to get hold of the beta version and check it out. At this
stage I would prefer users that already have WinEdt 7 installed
and are willing to do some testing, consult the documentation, and
provide some constructive feedback...

If you are one of them let me know (alex "at" winedt.com) and I
will send you a link to 32-bit and 64-bit downloadable version of
WinEdt 8.0 (< 10MB download).

Best regards,


ps. Here is roughly what you should know about the new version:

WinEdt 8 is a Unicode (UTF-8) text editor built on WinEdt 7 sources
and compiled with Delphi XE3.


WinEdt 8 is installed parallel to WinEdt 7, 6 or 5 and you can
continue to use an older version of WinEdt and possibly uninstall
WinEdt 8 if you prefer the old version.

IMPORTANT: If you already have WinEdt 5.x or 6 on your system you
cannot import your old settings directly into WinEdt 8! If you have
WinEdt 7 installed, instead, the migration is easy. Just execute
the command 'Import WinEdt 7 Settings' from within WinEdt 8 and
you're done...

Upgrading WinEdt 8 series from here on will be easy since your
local settings are preserved during upgrades. Executing the
command 'Upgrade Personal Configuration' will merge your custom
settings with the new defaults.

REGISTRATION: WinEdt 8 series uses the same Registration Data as
WinEdt 7 and 6. You will, however, have to enter the data (Name and
Code) again in the Registration Dialog of WinEdt 8. WinEdt 5 users
will have to pay an upgrade fee if they want to register WinEdt 8
(see www.winedt.com for details).
WinEdt Team
2013-04-23 17:45:18 UTC
More than a dozen users have requested and received the link to
WinEdt 8.0 and so far no major problems were reported.

At this stage it is important to read the section on "What's New?"
in WinEdt's Help -> WinEdt Manual -> About WinEdt.

A few users reported problems with "Import WinEdt 7 Settings" in
Options Maintenance Menu. If you want to import your WinEdt 7
settings this command should be executed before you attempt to
customize WinEdt 8. It it will import and load your old customized
configuration scripts, macros, projects, and dictionaries from
WinEdt 7 %b folder into the new one.

This will work well for users that followed the guidelines for
customizing WinEdt and placed their customizations inside %b
folder. Using the Options Interface to modify scripts or macros
automatically takes care of this.

However, users that modified global files or used different
locations to store their customizations will have to manually copy
and modify a few things. There is no point asking me what exactly
to do because I don't know what you have done in the first place.
The answer is: "follow the same logic (or lack of thereof) that was
applied when customizing the old version". Or perhaps, reconsider
and organize your customizations differently (the first page of the
Configuration Manual provides some guidelines on how to do that) so
that you can take advantage of automatic upgrading and manage your
customizations effortlessly. If properly organized importing your
old settings should be a matter of minutes (not hours) even if it
is done manually.

IMPORTANT: You should not attempt to copy old WinEdt.dnt for use
with WinEdt 8! Your settings should be restored by loading
configuration scripts (.ini files). "Import WinEdt 7 Settings" was
designed to merge your old customizations with the new defaults and
rebuild the configuration. Execute it it immediately after
installing WinEdt 8...

Best regards,

Daniel Royer
2013-04-23 17:56:48 UTC
Please send me the link!

Daniel Royer
University of Geneva (emeritus)
daniel at royer dot ch
Gyorgy Szeidl
2013-04-30 06:55:26 UTC
dear winedt team,

would it be possible to have an access to winedt8 beta?
i would check it so that you can make it better.

thank you for your kind reply in advance
gyorgy szeidl
an old winedt user
Post by WinEdt Team
Hello all!
WinEdt 8 with newly added code folding functionality is almost
ready and it will be officially released within a month. Help has
been updated accordingly. Due to the internal code optimization the
overall performance of WinEdt has been improved (especially
noticeable in large documents with sophisticated highlighting
schemes like TeX or HTML).
This is an opportunity for those of you who care for "code
folding" to get hold of the beta version and check it out. At this
stage I would prefer users that already have WinEdt 7 installed
and are willing to do some testing, consult the documentation, and
provide some constructive feedback...
If you are one of them let me know (alex "at" winedt.com) and I
will send you a link to 32-bit and 64-bit downloadable version of
WinEdt 8.0 (< 10MB download).
Best regards,
WinEdt 8 is a Unicode (UTF-8) text editor built on WinEdt 7 sources
and compiled with Delphi XE3.
WinEdt 8 is installed parallel to WinEdt 7, 6 or 5 and you can
continue to use an older version of WinEdt and possibly uninstall
WinEdt 8 if you prefer the old version.
IMPORTANT: If you already have WinEdt 5.x or 6 on your system you
cannot import your old settings directly into WinEdt 8! If you have
WinEdt 7 installed, instead, the migration is easy. Just execute
the command 'Import WinEdt 7 Settings' from within WinEdt 8 and
you're done...
Upgrading WinEdt 8 series from here on will be easy since your
local settings are preserved during upgrades. Executing the
command 'Upgrade Personal Configuration' will merge your custom
settings with the new defaults.
REGISTRATION: WinEdt 8 series uses the same Registration Data as
WinEdt 7 and 6. You will, however, have to enter the data (Name and
Code) again in the Registration Dialog of WinEdt 8. WinEdt 5 users
will have to pay an upgrade fee if they want to register WinEdt 8
(see www.winedt.com <http://www.winedt.com> for details).
Moshe Elitzur
2014-10-01 16:46:23 UTC
Upgrading from WinEdt 8 to 9 went smoothly, except for a couple of problems:

1. Highlighting of various environments was one of the nicest features
added to WinEdt in recent years, and it worked for me straight out of
the box without tinkering with anything. But I lost it in WinEdt 9: the
same file shows proper highlighting when opened in WinEdt 8 but not 9.
How do I regain it?

2. Bibmacros is now installed as an item in the main menu (BibTex to
the right of Help), and works fine when invoked with alt-B. But I am
unable to it to get it to work purely as a popup item. Removing it from
the main menu and installing Bibmacros afresh without the main menu
option seems to proceed fine---the _ Install.edt macros executes
smoothly, announcing successful completion. But alt-B produces only a
beep in that case. Restoring the BibTex menu item, everything works
fine. Is it possible to get a purely popup operation?

Moshe Elitzur
Moshe Elitzur
2014-10-01 18:30:20 UTC
After sending this message and opening WinEdt 9 a couple of times,
highlighting appeared (although at a somewhat light shade). So I somehow
regained it without doing anything.

Moshe Elitzur
Post by Moshe Elitzur
1. Highlighting of various environments was one of the nicest
features added to WinEdt in recent years, and it worked for me
straight out of the box without tinkering with anything. But I lost
it in WinEdt 9: the same file shows proper highlighting when opened in
WinEdt 8 but not 9. How do I regain it?
2. Bibmacros is now installed as an item in the main menu (BibTex to
the right of Help), and works fine when invoked with alt-B. But I am
unable to it to get it to work purely as a popup item. Removing it
from the main menu and installing Bibmacros afresh without the main
menu option seems to proceed fine---the _ Install.edt macros executes
smoothly, announcing successful completion. But alt-B produces only a
beep in that case. Restoring the BibTex menu item, everything works
fine. Is it possible to get a purely popup operation?
Moshe Elitzur