WinEdt 9: system cannot find Bitmaps\Background path
Gilbert Ritschard
2014-08-23 10:37:36 UTC
Dear all,

After importing my settings from 8.1 into WinEdt 9 (which produced two warnings regarding auto-save that I fixed), I get the following error when trying to load a tex file:

'Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt 9\Bitmaps\Background\". System cannot find the path specified.'

Then a second error is raised

'An exception Occurred while executing a macro script:
C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt 9\Macros\Events\GetMode.edt
Line: SetFileMode('%!1',1);

and WinEdt crashes.

Actually the path mentioned exists. I have tried to copy the Background folder to %b, but this does not change anything: I get the same error with the path %b instead of %B.

Any hint on how I could fix this would be welcome. The problem comes obviously from the settings I am importing, since I don't get the error before I proceed to the importation. I just have no idea from which ini file it results.

WinEdt Team
2014-08-23 17:54:34 UTC
Post by Gilbert Ritschard
After importing my settings from 8.1 into WinEdt 9 (which produced
two warnings regarding auto-save that I fixed), I get the following
‘Cannot open file “C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt
9\Bitmaps\Background\”. System cannot find the path specified.’
Then a second error is raised
C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt 9\Macros\Events\GetMode.edt
Line: SetFileMode(‘%!1’,1);
and WinEdt crashes.
I can confirm that the same happened to Adriana while she was
migrating from WinEdt 8.0 to 9.0 and also when she updated from
WinEdt 8.1 to 8.2 (on another computer a few months ago).

The problem appears to be in updating background schemes if you
made certain customizations that upgrading process does not
recognize. WinEdt settings get corrupted in the process and you
cannot run it at all.

You, too, are probably upgrading from version prior to WinEdt 8.2
and you have at one point customized background schemes.

In her case I had to delete local WinEdt.dnt and its backup to
force WinEdt to start with the default one. Then I had to manually
correct her customized Background Schemes (mostly decrease *MODE
values by one). I also had to make a few corrections (to odd
settings) in her Private Settings and then perform Rebuild All.

I believe (but do not remember for sure) that I also had to
manually copy her project file and some private dictionaries from
old local folder to the new one. That's because migration was
interrupted due to errors in local settings that were not properly

You will probably have to do the same...

I personally carry ALL my customizations in Private Settings and
always update them manually (its quite easy) in order to take
advantage of new features. Automatic upgrading can sometimes fail
or else disable some new features in order to import your old
customizations. That's the price for being spared from reading the
change log and spent some time making manual changes after seing
what has been changed (usually for the better) and why...

Best regards,

Gilbert Ritschard
2014-08-25 05:52:12 UTC
Many thanks Alex for these hints,

Karl kindly fixed the problem for me. Many thanks to him too.

The dictionaries are ok, they were correctly copied, and I also had no problem with the project files, which I hold in a separate winedt-prj folder. For now, everything seems to run smoothly.

I already started to put some customization in Private Settings, but I did not trace back all previous ones to transfer them there. But for sure this is the solution.

Best regards,

From: WinEdt Team [mailto:***@winedt.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 19:55
To: winedt+***@wsg.net
Subject: Re: [WinEdt] WinEdt 9: system cannot find Bitmaps\Background path

Post by Gilbert Ritschard
After importing my settings from 8.1 into WinEdt 9 (which produced
two warnings regarding auto-save that I fixed), I get the following
‘Cannot open file “C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt
9\Bitmaps\Background\”. System cannot find the path specified.’
Then a second error is raised
C:\Program Files\WinEdt Team\WinEdt 9\Macros\Events\GetMode.edt
Line: SetFileMode(‘%!1’,1);
and WinEdt crashes.
I can confirm that the same happened to Adriana while she was
migrating from WinEdt 8.0 to 9.0 and also when she updated from
WinEdt 8.1 to 8.2 (on another computer a few months ago).

The problem appears to be in updating background schemes if you
made certain customizations that upgrading process does not
recognize. WinEdt settings get corrupted in the process and you
cannot run it at all.

You, too, are probably upgrading from version prior to WinEdt 8.2
and you have at one point customized background schemes.

In her case I had to delete local WinEdt.dnt and its backup to
force WinEdt to start with the default one. Then I had to manually
correct her customized Background Schemes (mostly decrease *MODE
values by one). I also had to make a few corrections (to odd
settings) in her Private Settings and then perform Rebuild All.

I believe (but do not remember for sure) that I also had to
manually copy her project file and some private dictionaries from
old local folder to the new one. That's because migration was
interrupted due to errors in local settings that were not properly

You will probably have to do the same...

I personally carry ALL my customizations in Private Settings and
always update them manually (its quite easy) in order to take
advantage of new features. Automatic upgrading can sometimes fail
or else disable some new features in order to import your old
customizations. That's the price for being spared from reading the
change log and spent some time making manual changes after seing
what has been changed (usually for the better) and why...

Best regards,

