Post by Masayoshi KANEDAHow to "save" after I change "acroview" to "acroviewR11" in "WinEdt
Team/WinEdt/Exec/Acrobat OpenDoc.edt"?
On Windows with UAC you are not allowed to write in this folder
unless you changed permissions or started WinEdt with elevated
privileges "Run as Administrator" -- this is not a WinEdt-specific
In new versions of WinEdt such modifications should be made in
WinEdt's local folder (but then again they are not needed since
WinEdt default settings take care of this). You are probably
running an old version of WinEdt but even in WinEdt 5 you should
place modified macro like this inside %b folder where you are
allowed to write (especially if you are using Windows with UAC
Best regards,